I Found You ~9


Ron’s girlfriend

Few weeks passed by. Ryder didn’t bother her by going after her. He even didn’t try to reach closer to her. On the other hand, Bella was in a dilemma. She was constantly thinking about what Jacob told her.

But one day, as Bella, Rosie and Jacob were having lunch, Ryder brought a girl with him. She is younger than him and studies in that university. She has beautiful blonde hair and brown eyes. She sat with Ryder. Bella noticed Ryder and her. They were having a good time, laughing and talking to each other. Bella was hardly eating anything. She just stared at them. Rosie noticed that Bella was a little jealous, so she couldn't help but ask her friend.

“Hey girl are you jealous.”

“What! Nooo. I am just looking at that jerk, who a few days before told me he only likes me no-one.”

“So you are jealous”

“What! No. i am happy.”

“Happy for what?”

“I am happy that Jacob’s” she looked at Jacob “idea about him has broken.”

“What!, what idea?”

“Really__i told me that _Ryder might still be our Ron from inside.”

“How does, this breaks.””

“____what a bastard am i?”

“Sorry what”

“Nothing” and she left the table

She mumbled to herself as she went to her classroom.

“What a jerk____i waited for him all these years_oh_and he can’t wait for me for weeks.” and she took out her mobile and open instagram. She reached Ryder’s account and opened it. The recent post has been yesterday. She opened the picture. It was Ryder and that girl, having dinner in a restaurant. It seems like they were on a date. She quickly looked at what he wrote. He wrote

Night out with my girl. #love #girlfriend #boyfriend #soulmate #soullover #loversmadeforeachother #mygirl ” 

One can say, Bella was getting mad as well as sad. Tears rolled her cheeks. On the other hand, Jacob and Rosie followed her shouting

“Girl, we were just joking.”

But when they saw Bella crying, Rosie asked

“What happened?”

Bella didn’t reply. She just ran away crying. Rosie tried to follow her but Jacob held her hands.

“No, she is hurt. We must not go after her.”

“But, we hurted her.”

“I know, we must tell Ryder to go after her.”


“Trust me, this is the only way to make her realise her feelings.”


Bella became unconscious

Rosie, Jacob and Ryder tried to find her everywhere in the university. But she was not there.

“Ryder did you get her.”

“No,she is not”


“Nope”said Rosie 

Everyone’s face was down

“Where could she possibly go?”

“It's all my fault, I shouldn’t do that”spoke Ryder

“No, Ryder we thought the plane would work, we are equally to be blamed” spoke Rosie

“Yes, Rosie is right__Ryder.”

“then where has she gone?” Ryder spoke 

“Probabily__where she always goes?”


“Don’t remember__Ryder where you gave daffodils on her sixth birthday.”

Ryder tried to recall.

“Yes__I do”

“Then come___i have parked my car near.”

They all ran to the car. They quickly got in. Jacob drove the car. They reached the wooden Bridge, but Bella was not there. Ryder quickly got out of the car and ran to the bridge.


Rosie went across the bridge, along the edge of tg forest and  shouted 

“BELLA, we are sorry, we planned all these to make you realise your feeling of Ryder, I AM SORRY.”

But there was no answer.  Her voice just echoed in the forest. 

Ryder peed over the bridge. He has not been to that bridge for years. He noticed the clear water of the river flowing down the bridge. He shouted for Bella, but there was no answer. 

“She won’t go to the Forest, Rosie___came back.”spoke Jacob

“Then where is she.” Ryder asked Jacob.

“I__ i don’t know. Wherever she remembers you__she would came here and look the flowing water continuously”

“Is she at home.” Rosie asked

“Maybe” said Jacob.

Ryder walked to the bridge deck and had a glance over the place. He suddenly remembered something, a memory of him and Ela.

“Ela, I have to show you something.” the little cute Ryder spoke to Bella. They were walking along the bank of the river. Ryder was leading her. 

“Where are you taking me, Ron.”

“I want to show you something.”

“And what is it?”

“Just came with me.”

“I am scared Ron.”


“We have come a long way from the bridge.”

“Don’t worry i am with you__let me close your eye” Ryder stretched his hands

“What!_why?” but Bella leaned back.

“Ela, i want to surprise you__don’t you trust me.”

“Aghhhh__fine.” and Ryder quickly closed her eyes.

After some time, Ryder spoke to her

“And here we are.” and he slowly removed his hand.

It was a field full of daffodils.

“Wow__they are daffodils.”

“Yes, I brought those flowers from here_on your birthday.”

“We came all the way down here for the flowers.” 

“Yes_don’t you like it.”

“I love it.”


“Wait, Rosie and Jack” spoke Ryder. Rosie and Jack had already headed to the car.

“What Ryder.” asked Rosie.

Ryder hurriedly went down the bank of the river.

“Where are you going Ron?” Jacob ran after him. Rosie too followed them

“She might be in the daffodil field.”

“What!__i don’t know any field.”

They were now walking along the narrow bank of the river.

“Have you ever explored the place?”Ryder asked


“Then how are  you so sure, there isn’t any”

“But how are you so sure.”

“When we were young, I showed that field__and i bet_she doesn’t only look at the following water of the river but_actually watches the daffodil field.”

“I too stood on the deck_but i didn’t”

“You can’t spot that_if you don’t know it exists.”

And hence they reached the daffodil field.

“Where is she?” Jacob asked Ryder

“We have to search the field__she might be inside.”


“Jack_you check that side_i will check the river side and Rosie___you check that side” and Ryder distributed them. While he was walking and searching Bella. He remembered, he and Bella, lying between the daffodil field along the bank side. As he walked, he suddenly spotted Bella’s shoe. He ran over there and saw Bella lying there unconscious. 
