The Story of Arbor ~4

The story of Arbor

Nature is always ready, are we humans ready for that deal.

 Human-Nature war-Ii

Life was hard after the war. Few of us survived the war. humans never stopped coming to our forest. But the next war started uninformed. We even did not know when humans released the war. The war was peacefully led at the beginning. Some humans came to our forest, they cut some trees on the extreme side of the forest. They made their big shelters with our wood. We at first didn't mind because they were peacefully operating with us. They then cleared a little more forest and started rice, jute and mustard cultivation. They planted areca palm and banana trees around their hut and land. Soon more humans cleared the forest and settled their agricultural fields. Their castle started ruining our ecosystem. Soon a village settled at the edge of the jungle and a large part of the forest was converted into agricultural fields. The number of their castles increased and they ruined the floor of our jungle. At  the end of one century, a huge area of the jungle got converted to a human-settlement and still the process never slowed down.

Then people converted  those paddy-fields into huge immobile creatures trying to touch the sky which we in 1000 years couldn’t. Soon I became a garden tree for a park. Some of us became a part of the human properties where some were cut down to make a new sky-crapper. The climate had already changed the time they arrived. The biodiversity had already gone. Those noises and flashlights have already scared the flora and fauna. I can even feel that the nutrition of the soil was reducing. The air was too polluted with toxic carbon-dioxide and other gases. I was suffering from breathing problems due to it. The summer was never mild again on us. Every year, the rage of the sun increased. Monsoon was even worse. It's war over war for the place and misery over misery for the natives. Life is never the same after a war. A lot of things get lost in the war that cannot be revived. The smiles and happiness vanish for many generations.....................TO BE CONTINUED NEXT WEEK

-R Choudhury
