It was a beautiful summer morning of July. A perfect day for the result of the half-yearly examination . I was newly transferred then. The new school i.e LLS(short form) was totally different. That’s the reason I couldn’t attend some exams but still succeeded in getting 77%. I was sad then. I always scored above 90%  under any circumstances. I was sad , even till the school ended. A tall , fat  and dark-skinned girl proceeded to me and asked “ Hi , how much did  you get?” . I said “77%” . “Me too” and extended her hand for a handshake. A handshake for getting the same marks , I thought. I looked at her weirdly. It was natural for me. I thought we are not the same even though we got the same marks. Unlike you, I did not give many exams and was sick all through the exam. Why should I shake hands with you? And I turned my back to her. Even after two years I try not to make any friends. I went from benches to benches. I used to stay and talk with  pokemon lovers of our class, but no one was of my type.

The year and moment was a memorable one for me only, when the class teacher changed my place and let me sit near three girls. They were BFFs of each other. I just  sat either in the last corner or the front corner of our four-seated bench to avoid their communication. I too minded my own business. But I was lonely. I have neither siblings nor any  cousins. Even though I tried to distance myself from the world but somewhere in my heart I was lonely. I don’t know why I wanted to distance myself from society even if I wanted someone of my age to be with me. Might be no one ever showed any affection to me or never felt at home with other people. But this time it was a miracle. I cannot recall when I got accepted by those triplet BFFs. One of them was like a big sister to me. She was that tall darked skinned girl, whom I met two years ago at the end of the school. That was not our first meeting, though I thought it was. We met each even before( i didn’t remember that meeting. It was her who told me the incident). She was cold-minded, well-mannered, sweet-voiced and knew how to comfort others. And the other one was an annoying crazy little sister of mine. She was short , light skinned and a little big size. She matches the perfect definition of what is likely to have a little sister at home. She is like a little sister  though we are of the same age and have no blood-relation. We fight for silly things and annoy each other with hilarious jokes and comments. The third one seems like a teasing cousin who  breaks everything of mine. She was talled, white skinned and had a perfect body. She was beautiful unlike us ,browned skinned.I couldn’t remember how many times she broke my things or destroyed my cute drawing. When I ask her to pay me, she always says “I will”, but never does. I like her heroin figure and style. She uses her popularity to show others my talents.  We  tease her by calling her boyfriend with hilarious names . We four call ourselves as four idiots and share some nicknames.

Our friendship worked with time and I even got to sit between them also in the very same year I sat with them. Even our separation at various points of time cannot split us apart. We respect each other's differences and like each other as sister-sister and also cousin-cousin. We still remain in contact and enjoy each other's company. I was so wrong to ever runned away from such a beautiful relationship like friendship.

BY R Choudhury


  1. Dedicated to my Dear friends. I hope u are reading it.


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